healing reiki session

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. It is done through the technique called “laying of the hands”. Universal Energy is transferred through the palms of the Practitioner to the Client in order to encourage emotional and physical healing. Reiki promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety. The calming effects can be felt right after the session and continue to in the days that follow. $100 for one hour session.

Sound Infused Reiki Healing Session

Pritam Bani introduces vibrational healing into the Reiki session. Energy that is stuck or trapped within the body can be released with the use of tuning forks, crystal bowls, Tibetan metal bowls, and many other highly vibrational instruments. These instruments are played very softly around areas of your body where trapped energy is felt. This offering is extremely powerful and relaxing. $125 for a 75 minute session.

Yoga /Meditation Practice

If you are looking to enhance your current Yoga practice, or want to focus on flexibility or learn how to meditate, a few private sessions may be just what you need to get you there. Pritam Bani will develop a plan designed just for you. There is no need to suffer, allow yourself the joy of freedom.